Marriage Ceremony Request
As a licensed and ordained minister I carry a conviction to give impart what God has entrusted to us. It is a tremendous privilege and honor to contribute to what God is doing in the earth. Joining man an woman in holy matrimony! "A man that finds a wife finds a good thing and the favor of the Lord (Proverbs 18:22)
I operate under the teachings and beliefs of the Holy Bible. If you are seeking to contract with me for your pre-marriage counseling sessions (required state certificate of completion certificate provided upon completion)/ or just the ceremony; please see below guidelines.
This information help me as I prayerfully consider the scheduling of my calendar. While it is a great honor to be invited and contracted, due to the demands for my ministry it is not feasible for me to accept every contract offer. Please trust that we will be answering you with an accept or decline within a 36 hour turnaround time.
Some helpful guidelines to consider as you submit your request: This only apply to individuals requesting services outside of the State of Florida.
BASICS - Airfare, food, and lodging expenses are to be covered by the bride/groom. Basic expenses relating to lodging should be made with consideration of at least one (1) traveling companion accompanying Minister Witherspoon.
Ceremony Fees are negotiated based on the merit of each individual ceremony/ counseling sessions and will be determined at the time of confirmation booking.
I thank you for the honor of being apart of your ceremony. I bring 23 years of marriage experience to you!
We also specialize in the Pre-Marital Preparation Course Required Counseling Sessions as stated in Florida Statue 741.0305.
Are you ready to contract me for your special day? If, yes please submit form below to scheduled your next steps!
Submit Inquiries Below: